Harsh sun exposure, tiring work lives and stress can take a heavy toll on our bodies. This stress reflects most in our facial skin and often can result in deep bags, and dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes give your face a sunken and tired look and can add several years to your age if left untreated. Dark circle treatment can succeed in lightening the skin under the eyes, reducing the puffiness, and smoothening out the skin.
Causes of under eye dark circles:-
- Hereditary: – in some cases, dark circles under the eyes can be hereditary. In some people this can get better with age but in some cases the condition may remain the same.
- Sleep Deprivation: – it is the most common cause of under eye dark circles and obviously getting ample sleep is the solution to this one cause.
- Fluid retention: – fluid can get accumulated under the eyes. This can happen due to some disease, weight gain or pregnancy.
- Ageing: – it is also one of the most common causes of dark circles. As we age we lose volume in our skin and this makes the thin skin under the eyes look even darker.
- Sun exposure: – if the skin is exposed to the sun in excess, it may cause the under eye skin to darken.
Treatment of under eye dark circles:-
Dark circle treatment can target the dark pigmentation on the face by either replenishing the skin under the eyes, injecting fillers, or autologous materials into the hollowed skin or topically lightening pigment in the skin. The following under eye dark circle treatments can be used in order to improve the appearance of dark circles under the eyes:
Topical treatment – Ointments containing bleaching agents such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, vitamin C etc can be applied onto the dark pigmentation on the face to reduce the intensity of the dark circles. Even though some of these ointments and creams are available over the counter, a dermatologist should still be consulted for the correct treatment of the under eye circles.
Intense pulsed light therapy- Dark circle treatment involving intense pulsed light therapy involves targeting the dark pigmentation on the face with directed pulses of light in order to bleach out the blood vessels that may be visible in the delicate under eye skin.
Skin resurfacing – The use of skin resurfacing treatments such as CO2 laser and chemical peels for dark circle treatment relies on the resulting stimulation of fibroblasts within the skin to produce new collagen, thereby renewing the skin and improving skin quality.
Fillers – In the case of excessive thinning of the skin under the eye leading to dark circles, dark circle treatment can involve the injection of fillers such as hyaluronic acid and autologous fat to increase volume and add plumpness to the skin below the eyes. The filler treatment of under eye dark circles is done by an oculoplastic surgeon.
Some of the following home remedies may also be very effective for the under eye dark circles treatment:-
- Cucumber juice: – one of the most effective solutions for under eye dark circle treatment. It has been used for ages and is surely very effective when used regularly.
- Almond oil: – rich in Vitamin E which is considered to be an elixir for human skin almond oil can restore the color and suppleness of the ender eye area.
- Potato: – potato acts as a natural bleaching agent. Under eye dark circles can be lightened to a very large extent by applying potato juice or grated potato under the eyes.
Under eye dark circle treatment can be done in the most effective way if a combination of several approaches is used. Start off with a fundamental change in lifestyle and diet, home remedies and follow with procedures such as laser resurfacing and derma fillers etc. If the under eye dark circles are mild they can be handled by lifestyle changes and regular usage of home remedies only. If no outcome is achieved by the combination of former two methods, then laser resurfacing and fillers can be utilized.
Dark pigmentation of the face and dark circles under the eyes can be a distressing condition. However, upon consulting a good dermatologist in mumbai, several treatment options may be available to you that can help you in improving the appearance of your under-eye area considerably. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is a highly sought-after dermatologist who practices in Mumbai, and can definitely provide you the best dark circle treatment suited to your specific needs at The Esthetic Clinics