Psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory condition that affects several million patients in India. It is characterized by silvery, white scales that form on the skin or on the scalp which cause a strong itching sensation and can tend to ooze and bleed. Psoriasis is not a curable condition but it is extremely responsive to treatment. Psoriasis treatment is typically administered in the form of topical ointments, creams, lotions, and steroidal injections which reduce the inflammation and cause the symptoms to subside. The main drugs used in psoriasis treatment are as follows:
- Salicylic Acid – Salicylic acid is used in psoriasis treatment to treat the psoriatic scales. However, their efficacy is limited.
- Steroid ointments – Steroid ointments and other formulations form the mainstay of psoriasis treatment in India. These help in the reduction of inflammation, control the itchiness and inhibit the production of inflammatory cells. However, steroid ointments may also cause side effects which you should discuss with your dermatologist in detail.
- Coal-tar ointments and shampoos – Coal tar compounds have been shown to bring about an improvement in symptoms associated with psoriasis. However, these should be used only under the supervision of a physician.
Psoriasis treatment in India also comes in the form of Ayurvedic medication which can be mildly helpful in relieving minor symptoms. However, for effective psoriasis treatment and management, you must consult with a dermatologist. Very often, psoriasis treatment and management involve medication and lifestyle modifications, namely exercise and reduction of stress, to ensure that patients do not undergo flare-ups of psoriasis.
Psoriasis treatment in India is offered by several dermatologists in Mumbai and skin care centers. You should discuss your condition in detail with the consulting dermatologist so as to chart out a course for your treatment. Dr. Rinky Kapoor is one of the finest dermatologists in India, and can surely help you tackle your psoriasis at The Esthetic Clinics.