Birthmarks usually appear as spots on the skin that are either lighter or darker than the complexion. The reason why they are called birthmarks is because people who have it were born with it. Unlike other skin pigmentation like tattoos or marks from injuries, these appear at birth or shortly after.
There is no specific place, size, or color of birthmarks. Different people have different types of birthmarks in different shapes, sizes, and colors, and can appear anywhere on the body. The only exception where birthmarks may match is when people are blood-related.
Studies haven’t yet identified any specific causes for birthmarks. However, generally, they are caused by abnormal formation of blood vessels in the skin or overgrowth of the pigment cells in the skin. These can cause the affected area of the skin to appear pink, red, purple, brown, black, or blue, and could be raised or flat.
Most birthmarks are harmless and do not require treatment. However, if it needs to be monitored or causes health or medical problems, patients can visit a birthmark removal clinic, consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist, and get the necessary treatment.
Types of Birthmarks
There are many different types of birthmarks, characterized by different colors and appearances. Some common types are:
- Pigmented birthmarks
Just as the name suggests, pigmented birthmarks are caused by an overgrowth of pigmented cells in the skin. Some examples of pigmented birthmarks are:
Mongolian spots: Patients with Mongolian spots usually experience pigmented spots on their backs or their buttocks. They are usually blue or gray, which fade on their own by the age of 4.
Café-au-lait spots: These spots are usually light brown and can appear anywhere on the body. They mostly have an oval shape and can be a symptom of a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis.
Nevus of Ota: Novus of Ota appears as blue-gray patches of skin, usually found around the eyes.
- Vascular birthmarks
Unlike pigmented birthmarks that are caused by abnormalities in the pigment cells, vascular birthmarks occur when there is an abnormality in the blood vessels found in the skin.
Some examples of vascular birthmarks are:
Port-wine stains: These are flat in shape and appear to be red or purple in color, caused by dilated blood vessels. Port-wine stains are permanent and may darken with time.
Hemangiomas: These are opposites of port-wine stains. They are a little raised and are red or purple in color. They usually occur when the blood vessel has an abnormal build-up. Hemangiomas appear at birth or shortly after and can grow for several more months before they eventually shrink and disappear.
- Other birthmarks
Besides the above two categories, there are other birthmarks that can appear such as;
Dermal melanocytosis: This is caused by an overgrowth of pigment cells in the dermis layer of the skin. They are usually blue-gray in color and can appear on any part of the body.
Congenital melanocytic nevus: This is caused by an overgrowth of melanin-producing cells, and can also appear anywhere on the body. They come in different sizes from very small to very large.
In most cases, birthmarks are harmless and may even be considered a beauty mark. However, in other cases, it can cause negative psychological issues or even health problems. Dr. Rinky Kapoor can provide guidance for those who want to remove them.
Birthmark Removal; how it Works
Birthmark removal can be a medical or cosmetic procedure done at birthmark removal clinics such as The Esthetic Clinics. While performing the procedure, Dr. Rinky Kapoor aims at removing or reducing the appearance of birthmarks on the skin.
Depending on the size, shape, color, location, and overall appearance of the birthmark, different techniques can be applied to remove or reduce its appearance. It is important for patients to work with a qualified medical professional to determine the best course of treatment for the particular situation at hand.
Why Birthmark Removal
Different people may require birth removal for different reasons. For a professional to approve birth removal, the candidates should be in overall good health and have realistic expectations for the results of the procedure.
Some patients who may benefit from birthmark removal are those who:
- Feel self-conscious or embarrassed about the appearance of their birthmark
- Experience physical discomfort or irritation due to the birthmark rubbing against clothing or other objects
- Have a birthmark that is causing emotional distress or affecting their overall quality of life
- Have a birthmark that has medical implications such as a risk of becoming cancerous
It is important to note that not all patients make good candidates for birthmark removal. Also, keep in mind that not all birthmarks can be safely or completely removed. Before the decision to undergo a removal procedure is made, a qualified cosmetologist should first carefully evaluate the case and provide the best treatment option.
Birthmark Removal Techniques
There are many different birthmark removal techniques available at The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai that patients can pick after a thorough evaluation by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Typically, the technique used depends on the type, size, location, and color of the birthmark.
Some of the most common ones are:
Laser therapy: As the name hints, this procedure uses a laser beam of high intensity that can break up the pigments in the birthmark, and allow the body to absorb and eliminate them over time. Laser therapy has proven effective for many types of birthmarks, including port-wine stains, hemangiomas, and pigmented birthmarks.
Surgery: Many patients opt for surgery as the last result. It is mainly effective where the birthmark is deep and large, or located in a sensitive area where other techniques may not be appropriate. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin and removes the birthmark tissue.
Cryotherapy: This procedure involves freezing the birthmark with liquid nitrogen, then removing it to form a scab. This scab falls off within a few days to a week. Cryotherapy is most effective for small, raised birthmarks.
Chemical peels: Chemical peels are mostly used and are effective for pigmented birthmarks. During the treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the birthmark. This causes the top layer of skin to peel off, leaving new skin underneath.
Microdermabrasion: In this procedure, a medical/ cosmetic machine is used to remove the outer layer of skin, to reveal the new skin underneath. Microdermabrasion is mostly used for pigmented and small, raised birthmarks.
It is important that the patients know that not all birthmarks can be removed with just one procedure. Some may require repeated procedures for optimal results. Consulting with a dermatologist or cosmetologist like Dr. Rinky Kapoor can help determine the best course of treatment for different specific types of birthmarks.
Preparing for Birthmark Removal
Whether an individual wants to undergo birthmark removal for medical or cosmetic purposes, it’s important they prepare both physically and mentally, to help promote the best results.
Generally, here is how the preparations go:
Consultations; once a patient chooses their birthmark removal clinic, they should first consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure. This provides enough time to discuss the needs, requirements, and expectations, as well as the benefits and risks, if any.
Get a medical evaluation: After consultations, what follows is a thorough evaluation. This depends on the type of birthmark and the treatment method that may be required. The healthcare professional may prescribe blood tests, biopsies, or imaging tests.
Stop taking blood-thinning medication: Blood-thinning medications like aspirin and warfarin may increase the risk of bleeding during the treatments and the doctor may instruct the patients to stop taking them a couple of days before the procedure.
Avoid smoking: Smoking is discouraged during preparations because it may slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications during and after the procedure.
Arrange for someone to drive you home: This depends on the type of birthmark removal treatment a patient chooses. In cases like surgeries, patients may undergo anesthesia which means they may not be fit to drive themselves home after the treatment.
Prepare for recovery: Different treatments require different forms of recovery. Some don’t have downtime and patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Others may last longer and a patient may need some time off work. Make sure to prepare for this by arranging for time off work, getting enough rest, and avoiding strenuous activities, as per the doctor’s instructions.
Recovery from Birthmark Removal
How well or fast a patient recovers depends on a couple of factors such as the type of procedure done, the technique used, the size and location where the birthmark was, an individual’s overall health as well as their ability to take care of themselves properly and willingness to follow the doctor’s instructions.
Here are some general guidelines for recovery:
- Patients can expect the treated are to be covered with a sterile dressing to prevent infections and promote healing.
- Patients can apply cold compression on the treated area or take medication as prescribed by the surgeon to help relieve pain, swelling, redness, and other symptoms they experience after the treatment.
- Patients should avoid picking the crust that may occur due to the development of a scab over the treated area, to prevent the risk of infection and scarring.
- Patients may also need to avoid some activities that could cause excessive stretching or pulling of the skin in the treated area, such as heavy lifting or vigorous exercise, for a few weeks after the procedure.
- Follow all instructions for caring for the treated area to ensure faster and optimal recovery. This includes keeping the area clean and dry, applying any prescribed ointments or creams, and avoiding exposure to sunlight.
- Attending all follow-up appointments as scheduled by the doctor is important to monitor the healing progress and check for any signs of complications, such as infection or excessive scarring.
The recovery process varies widely depending on each individual’s case. Patients should be sure to discuss their specific needs and concerns with their doctor for a safe and effective recovery.
Psychological Effects of Birthmark Removal
Birthmark removal can have positive and negative psychological effects on the patient. Some Positive effects are;
Increased self-confidence: Some people may feel self-conscious and have low confidence when they have a prominent birthmark showing in a visible location. Removing the birthmark can help them feel more confident and better about their appearance.
Improved body image: Some people may experience a negative sense of body image because of their birthmark. Birthmark removal can help them develop a positive relationship with themselves.
Greater sense of control: Oftentimes, there is really nothing someone can do about their birthmarks especially when they are deep and large. This means the patient may not have control over their physical appearance. Removing it can help them exercise greater control over how they want to look.
Relief from emotional distress: In some cases, individuals with prominent birthmarks may experience emotional distress related to their appearance. Birthmark removal can relieve this distress and help individuals feel more at ease about their physical look, especially in social situations.
Enhanced quality of life: Some individuals may be unhappy with their appearance due to a birthmark, which may lead them to avoid social situations and make them feel less confident in their daily lives. Birthmark removal can improve this aspect of their lives, by allowing them to feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin.
Greater social acceptance: While birthmarks are a natural aspect of the human body, they can sometimes attract unwanted attention or negative comments from others. Removing the birthmark can help individuals feel more accepted by society and reduce negative interactions related to their appearance.
Negative effects of birthmark removal
Disappointment with the results: Not everyone ends up being satisfied by birthmark removals. If the procedure does not achieve the anticipated outcome or leaves a more noticeable scar, patients get disappointment.
Emotional attachment to the birthmark: Birthmarks are more than just what the eyes can see; a raised, hyperpigmented or hypopigmented patch on the skin. Some people actually develop a sense of emotional attachment to their birthmark, and removing it may result in feelings of loss or grief.
Anxiety and stress: Procedures used for birthmark removal can be stressful and anxiety-provoking, especially if the patient has to undergo surgery or other invasive treatments.
Potential physical side effects: Physical side effects such as scarring, pain, or discomfort may occur during or after a birthmark removal. These can have a negative impact on an individual’s psychological well-being.
Cultural or social stigma: In some cultures, birthmarks are seen as a sign of good luck or a unique characteristic. Removing it can lead to feelings of social stigma or cultural dissonance.
Unrealistic expectations: If a patient has unrealistic expectations about birthmark removal, they are more likely to end up being disappointed or dissatisfied with the results.
Dr. Rinky Kapoor of The Esthetic Clinics can help patients avoid these negative effects by making them understand all the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. The consultation is important to discuss any concerns as well as ensure the patients are both mentally and physically prepared for the procedure.
Finding a Birthmark Removal Clinic/ Professional in India
It is important for patients to find a reputable Birthmark removal clinic to ensure they are working with the best healthcare providers who can help them achieve their goals. Luckily, this shouldn’t be hard in India.
A simple search on Google can provide all the best clinics with the best professionals. Just make sure to use the necessary keywords in the search bar such as “The Esthetic Clinics, Mumbai”, “Birthmark removal clinic, India” or “dermatologist for birthmark removal in India.”
Asking for recommendations from friends and family who may have had similar procedures and treatments in the past can also be a faster and easier way to find the best practitioner. Another option for patients is to consult with their primary care physician or dermatologist for a referral to a trusted birthmark removal specialist.
But the search doesn’t end there. Individuals should check other important factors such as the professional’s credentials, the reputation of the clinic, and the practitioner’s experience. It’s also important to ensure that the clinic uses safe and effective procedures and that they have a track record of success with similar cases.
Birthmark Removal Cost in India
There are several factors that can affect Birthmark removal costs. For starters, the type and size of the birthmark can be a major contributing factor to the cost. Smaller birthmarks that are easier to remove can cost less than larger birthmarks that require more complex procedures.
The location of the birthmark can also impact the cost of removal. Highly visible birthmarks in areas such as the neck, face, or arms may require more delicate and precise removal techniques, which can increase the cost.
The treatment method and the number of treatments required are other contributing factors to how much a patient will pay for birthmark removal. There are different methods for removing birthmarks, including laser therapy, cryotherapy, and surgical excision. The cost of each of these methods varies depending on the equipment and expertise required.
The Esthetic Clinics offers different types of treatments and techniques for birthmark removal that patients can undergo depending on their specific needs and goals. Patients can easily schedule an appointment with Dr. Rinky Kapoor to assess their birthmark removal needs and determine the best treatment.