Best Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in Mumbai

As we age, our skin develops a range of imperfections such as fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and acne scars. This makes us self-conscious of our appearance and affects how we view and value ourselves.

Luckily, treatments like fractional CO2 laser can help improve our skin’s quality, firmness, and texture, and restore a more youthful and vibrant look. If performed by a qualified and experienced cosmetologist like Dr. Rinky Kapoor, the treatment can be highly effective in achieving the desired results.

What is Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment


For a while, laser treatment has been one of the go-to treatments for a lot of people in India. Fractional CO2 laser treatment is a popular type of laser treatment that treats different skin conditions by targeting the specific affected areas of the skin.

 How it works is that the surgeon uses a laser device that emits thousands of tiny columns of laser energy that penetrate the skin, to create microscopic channels known as microthermal zones. These zones help stimulate the production of collagen and the skin’s natural process of healing, to improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

Fractional CO2 laser treatment can be used to treat multiple skin conditions and improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. Some of the conditions the treatment can address are acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, age spots and sun damage, melasma, stretch marks, HPV warts, actinic keratoses, skin tags, and seborrheic keratoses.



During the procedure, the doctor first applies topical anesthesia to the treated area to numb it and make the process more comfortable. Depending on the size of the treated area and the complexity of the treatment, it may take anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour.

After the treatment, patients may experience some symptoms such as redness, swelling, and discomfort, which usually subsides shortly after. The skin will then continue to heal and improve over the following weeks and months as more collagen is produced.

Generally, a Fractional CO2 laser treatment is safe and effective and commonly used in both medical and cosmetic procedures in Mumbai. It is always important for patients to work with qualified doctors like Dr. Rinky Kapoor who have the necessary experience to perform the procedure.

Benefits of Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment


There are many benefits a patient stands to get through fractional CO2 laser treatment to improve the appearance of their skin. Some of these benefits are;

Improved Skin Texture: Fractional CO2 laser treatment mainly work by improving the production of collagen, a protein responsible for skin elasticity, texture, and overall quality. This helps smooths out the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

Reduced Scarring: By stimulating the production of collagen, fractional CO2 laser treatment can help fill in depressed scars, and reduce the appearance of scars such as acne scars, surgical scars, and other types of scars. This also helps improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin.

Even Skin Tone: By improving the firmness of the skin, smoothening out wrinkles and fine lines, and reducing the appearance of sun damage, age spots, and other types of skin discoloration, Fractional CO2 laser treatment can help achieve an evened skin tone.

Minimal Downtime: Laser treatments are generally less invasive and have little to no downtime. Fractional CO2 laser treatment is even lesser invasive and requires even lesser downtime compared to traditional treatment. Patients can schedule an appointment and soon after the treatment get back to their normal lives. It only takes a few days to a week for patients to return to their daily activities.

Long-Lasting Results: Another benefit of the fractional CO2 laser treatment is that it offers long-lasting results. The treatment works by stimulating collagen production, which then continues to improve the appearance of the skin for months even after the procedure.

Before getting started with the treatment, it is important for the patient to be aware of both the benefits and the risks associated with the procedure. A professional practitioner will carry out the examination of the skin to determine the safest way and technique to go about the treatment.


What Conditions can be treated with a Fractional CO2 Laser?


Fractional CO2 laser treatment has been proven effective in treating a variety of skin conditions including:

Fine lines and wrinkles: The treatment is focused on helping the skin to produce more collagen, which in turn helps improve the appearance of the skin by making it firm, even out, and smooth.

Acne scars: By stimulating the production of collagen which helps fill out depressed scars and even out the tone, fractional CO2 laser treatment can help clear out acne scars.

Age spots and sun damage: The treatment works by focusing the energy on hyperpigmentation, hence helping reduce the appearance of age spots and sun damage.

Melasma: Patients may experience symptoms such as brown patches of the skin when they are suffering from melasma. Fractional CO2 laser treatment focuses on the affected areas to improve the appearance of the skin.

Stretch marks: The treatment can improve the appearance of stretch marks by stimulating collagen production, which helps to smooth out the skin.

HPV warts: Fractional CO2 laser treatment can help to improve the appearance of HPV warts by targeting the laser energy on the affected areas.

Actinic keratoses: Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin condition, that the treatment can help address by targeting the affected area, removing the affected cells, and stimulating collagen production.

Skin tags: The laser energy is targeted on the affected area during a fractional CO2 laser treatment, to remove skin tags.

Seborrheic keratoses: Seborrheic keratosis is a benign skin condition that the treatment can help address, by removing the affected cells.

The Esthetic Clinics offer fractional CO2 laser treatment that is performed by a skilled and experienced practitioner to help address different skin conditions as mentioned above. Patients can schedule an appointment anytime for evaluation and to determine the best treatment options.


Ideal Candidates for Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment


Fractional CO2 laser treatment is considered a safe and effective option commonly used in both the medical and cosmetic fields in India to address multiple different conditions. Anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their skin can opt for this treatment.

However, a thorough examination at the Fractional CO2 laser treatment clinic must be performed to determine if the patient is a good candidate. There are some factors the practitioner will check out;

Patients with signs of aging: People with aging symptoms such as the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin make good candidates for Fractional CO2 laser treatment. This can help improve the appearance of these symptoms and other signs of aging.

Patients with acne scars: Fractional CO2 laser treatment can help improve the appearance of acne scars by reducing their size and depth.

Patients with sun damage: Patients whose skin has been damaged by the sun can opt for fractional CO2 laser treatment. The energy focused on the affected area can help improve the appearance of sunspots and other pigmentation issues.

Patients with uneven skin texture: Fractional CO2 laser treatment has been used to improve the appearance of uneven skin texture, making it an ideal treatment for patients with rough, bumpy, and/ or pigmented skin.

Patients with enlarged pores: Fractional CO2 laser treatment can reduce the size of enlarged pores and help improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Patients with stretch marks: Fractional CO2 laser treatment can help reduce the size and depth of stretch marks.

Fractional CO2 laser treatment may seem like a safe and effective option for many people with different skin conditions and concerns. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Certain medical conditions or individuals under certain medications and supplements may be restricted from undergoing the treatment.

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Procedure


Working with a professional doctor includes some steps that are important for both the practitioner and the patient to ensure optimal results at the end of the treatment., Here is a step-by-step breakdown of what the procedure looks like;

Consultation: Patients can schedule an appointment with Dr. Rinky Kapoor of The Esthetic Clinics as soon as they decide to undergo the procedure. The consultation is to discuss skin concerns, goals, and medical history and to determine if the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. The practitioner will also make sure the patient is aware of the benefits and the risks associated with the treatment so they have a realistic expectation that what can and cannot happen.

Laser Treatment: Once the treatment has been determined suitable for the patient’s concerns, the next step is to schedule the treatment itself. The practitioner will numb the affected area before starting with the laser. He will then use a handheld laser device to deliver precise pulses of laser energy to the treatment area, to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate the production of collagen.

Cooling: A cooling device may also be used to minimize discomfort and protect the skin from excessive heat. The procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes depending on the size and complexity of the treatment areas.

Post-Treatment Care: After the treatment, patients may experience symptoms such as redness, swelling, and discomfort. This usually subsides within a couple of days and can be managed by applying topical creams or ointments and medication. Patients may also be advised to avoid direct sunlight for some time.

Follow-Up: The doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor the treated area and the healing progress. If needed, he may also adjust the treatment plan and schedule multiple treatments as needed to achieve the desired results.


Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in India


There are several different types of fractional CO2 laser treatments available, each of which comes with its own unique approach and benefits.

Some common types of fractional CO2 laser treatments include:

Fractional Ablative CO2 Laser: This treatment is mostly prescribed for candidates with deep wrinkles, acne scars, and other more severe skin conditions. How it works is that it focuses a high-powered laser beam on the targeted area to remove the outermost layers of skin. This creates tiny wounds in the skin, which stimulate the body’s natural healing process and promote the growth of new, healthier skin cells.

Fractional Non-Ablative CO2 Laser: Fractional non-ablative CO2 laser is less invasive compared to ablative. It uses a lower-powered laser beam and doesn’t remove the outer layers of skin as in ablative. Instead, the laser penetrates the skin and stimulates collagen production to promote healing. It is often used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, and other mild to moderate skin conditions.

Hybrid Fractional CO2 Laser: Hybrid fractional CO2 laser combines both ablative and non-ablative treatments and is used to treat deep wrinkles, acne scars, and other more severe skin conditions. During the procedure, the laser energy removes the outer layers of the skin and also stimulates collagen production to promote healing in the deeper layers of the skin.

The Esthetic Clinics offer all three types of fractional CO2 laser treatments, each of which has its own benefits and risks. The best treatment option depends on the individual’s skin concerns and the desired results.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Fractional CO2 Laser


While fractional CO2 laser treatment is generally considered safe, there are potential risks and complications that patients should be aware of. Some possible risks and complications of the treatment include:

Pain and discomfort: Pain and discomfort are symptoms experienced by many patients during and/ or after the treatment. However, these are easily manageable with cold compresses and pain medication. The practitioner also administers anesthesia during the procedure to make it more comfortable and pain-free.

Swelling and redness: Swelling and redness are other common symptoms experienced by patients after treatment. This usually occurs in the treated area and may be managed by cold compress and medications as directed by the doctor. It also usually subsides within a couple of days.

Skin discoloration: Skin discoloration may also occur after a fractional CO2 laser treatment. The treated area may turn darker or lighter and this may be just a temporary change.

Infection: Since fractional CO2 laser treatment is a non-invasive procedure, infections rarely occur. But the risk is still there in some cases, which can be managed by antibiotics.

Scarring: Scarring is another rare complication of fractional CO2 laser treatment. This particularly occurs if the treatment is not performed by a qualified and experienced provider.

Cold sores: The laser can activate the herpes simplex virus and patients with a history of cold sores may experience an outbreak after the treatment.

Eye injury: If the treatment is performed around the eyes, it can potentially cause an injury, especially if the eyes are not properly protected.

Before the treatment begins Dr. Rinky Kapoor will explain the potential risks and complications as well as the pre and post-treatment instructions to help prevent some of the risks from happening.

Fractional CO2 Laser vs. Erbium YAG Laser

Erbium YAG laser is a type of laser treatment that uses a different wavelength of light to remove layers of skin and stimulate collagen production. The main difference between fractional CO2 laser and Erbium YAG laser is the depth of skin penetration.

While fractional CO2 laser treatment focuses and penetrates deeply into the skin tissues, Erbium YAG laser penetrates less deeply. Because of this, the Erbium YAG tends to be gentler on the skin and has less downtime for recovery, which is an advantage over fractional CO2 laser treatment.

Another difference is that Erbium YAG laser is often recommended for mild to moderate skin conditions, while fractional CO2 laser is usually used to treat more severe skin conditions.

The choice between fractional CO2 laser and Erbium YAG laser depends on the individual’s skin condition, preferences, and desired results. Working with a reputable facility like The Esthetic Clinics and consulting with a qualified medical professional is crucial to determine which type of laser treatment is right for the patient’s specific needs.

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in India


Fractional CO2 laser treatment cost in India varies widely depending on factors such as the geographic location, the provider’s experience and reputation, the severity of the skin condition being treated, the number of treatment sessions required, and the size of the treatment area. The type of fractional CO2 laser treatment (ablative, non-ablative, or hybrid) chosen can affect the cost too.

Patients can also speak to their insurance provider to find out if the treatment can be covered. However, generally, cosmetic procedures like fractional CO2 laser treatment are not usually covered by health insurance. If the treatment is being performed to address a medical condition such as acne scars or keloids and improve functionality, then there may be an exception and some insurance coverage available.

The Esthetic Clinics also offer financing options and payment plans that help make fractional CO2 laser treatment more affordable for all patients. Patients can feel free to discuss all available options with the provider before undergoing treatment.

Final Thoughts

Fractional CO2 laser treatment is a highly effective option for individuals who want to improve the appearance of their skin. It can help to reduce the signs of aging, improve skin texture, and even out skin tone. It is also a less invasive procedure, with a short recovery time, and long-lasting results.

Patients considering fractional CO2 laser treatment should work with a reputable fractional CO2 laser treatment clinic and consult with a qualified and experienced provider like Dr. Rinky Kapoor to determine if it is the right option for them.

The practitioner will also help patients understand the potential risks and benefits of the treatment and develop a personalized treatment plan that meets their unique needs and goals.

Fractional Co2 Laser Treatment Before After Photos, See The Patient Result-

Best Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in Mumbai
Best Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in Mumbai
Best Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in Mumbai
Best Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment in Mumbai